Free Government Resources on Personal Finance

Have you ever wondered what government resources are out there? Well, don’t keep wondering, simply click and take advantage of these great resources.

  • site provides a wealth of resources for businesses and individuals alike.  Whether you are looking to educate yourself about personal finance or looking for financial management ideas for your business, this is the site to check out.  Topics on this site range from credit cards to retirement.
  • Money Matters-This is another great site.  A unique feature of Money Matters is the Scam watch section.  This section provides insightful information to educate consumers about the latest fraudulent scams.  Other unique features include personal finance advice and job hunting advice.
  • Money SmartFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation created Money Smart as a tool to educate new business owners.  This is a great site for financial education.  There are a series of courses that can be taken online.


Now that you are aware of these resources, don’t delay.  Take advantage of them today and get on track with your personal finance goals.

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