Should you date someone who makes more or less money than you do? This is a tough question because we can’t help who we end up falling in love with. But personal finances are a big part of any relationship and are a topic that we can’t avoid.
I’ve been in situations where I earned more than the person that I dated. Of course in the beginning it is not a big deal. But as you get to know each other, it does become a topic of discussion and sometimes can cause conflict. My advice is to discuss it up front. The best time to discuss is when your relationship is no longer a matter of dating but a matter of being exclusive with this other person. Once you two become comfortable with each other, bring it up in a professional and respectable manner. Then have a game plan for when you go out. Decide up front who will pay and maybe even share the bill. If you’re going out, select the location together. Discuss any fees and decide together how it will get paid. Be consistent and talk together about the finances. Don’t rely on him or her to make any of the decisions. But do it instead as a team.
If you follow this approach, I’m sure your relationship will go a long way. The best thing to do is to discuss personal finances openly and honestly. Do not ignore it. If you discuss it up front, I think your relationship will be better off in the long run.
What are your thoughts on money and dating? What has been your approach?
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